Annual Reports
These key documents are available for the University community and members of the public to review. They provide important information about the University’s priorities, plans and overall performance, and are also an important component in ensuring accountability and consistent reporting across the sector.
In addition to the documents available here, the University’s website contains a wealth of information about our overall mission and vision, current University programs and initiatives, the exciting research and innovative teaching currently underway, and the partnerships we are building with our local and global communities. Further information about the Broader Public Sector Accountability requirements can be found here.
Information Box Group
Past McMaster Goals and Priorities Reports
Past Annual Financial Reports
Past Strategic Mandate Documents
Board of Governors Report
The President provides a written report to the Board of Governors at each Board meeting. Meetings usually take place in October, December, March, April/May and June. Copies of the President’s Reports for the current and last two calendar years will be posted here. Additional information regarding Board meetings, including details of the agenda package for the open session portion of the meetings, can be found on the website of the University Secretariat at:
President’s Reports to McMaster University Board of Governors
Past Reports 2022
Information Box Group
Past Reports 2021
Past Reports 2021
Past Reports 2020
Leadership Performance Goals
Performance Goals
July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
The President and Vice-Presidents establish performance goals on an annual basis. These goals reflect strategic priorities within their respective areas of responsibility in support of the University’s mission. The goals are established following discussion between the President and Vice-Presidents and are reviewed and formally approved by the Human Resources Committee of the Board of Governors. A summary of the agreed performance goals is provided to the Board of Governors on an annual basis and published here.
The key goals for the President and Vice-Presidents for the 2021/22 academic year are focused on navigating the University through a successful and gradual return to campus over the course of the year, with the goal of retaining flexibility in working practices where possible, and supporting the well-being of faculty, staff, and students. Alongside this critically important work, the senior team is working to advance the five key priorities outlined in the University’s Strategic Plan, namely: Inclusive Excellence; Teaching and Learning; Research and Scholarship; Engaging Local, National, Indigenous, and Global Communities; and Operational Excellence.

David Farrar Summary of Goals
President and Vice-Chancellor
David Farrar - Summary of Goals
- Supporting the Vice-President (Advancement) in the planning & development of a University-wide fundraising campaign. Key focus for this year will be meeting with our alumni and donors within North America and beyond.
- Supporting the next stage of expanding the McMaster Innovation Park including the recruitment of a new CEO.
- Supporting the Vice-President and Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences in the development of the Global Nexus School for Pandemic Prevention and Response.
- Working with the acting Vice-President (Research), Provost and Deans of Science and Engineering, to develop a School of Nuclear Science and expand our nuclear facilities including the planning for a Small Modular Reactor.
- Continued progress on the development of programs offered through Wilson College including preparations to welcome the inaugural undergraduate cohort in September 2025.

Susan Tighe Summary of Goals
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
Susan Tighe - Summary of Goals
- Work with the Vice-Provost (Equity and Inclusion) to advance the recommendations from the EIO external review and to develop and implement the new EIO strategic plan.
- Support the intentional integration of on-campus, virtual learning, and blended learning to advance teaching and learning across the institution.
- Continue to support the Generative AI Task Force’s mandate to enhance teaching and learning, research and scholarship as well as the challenges associated with its use.
- Focus on the intentional development of interdisciplinary programs and support increases in programs with interdisciplinary elements, opportunities for community engagement, and undergraduate research.
- Implementation of the Indigenous Strategy including the recruitment of a new Vice-Provost (Indigenous) and the development of an Indigenous Office.
- Support the Vice-Provost (International Affairs) in the implementation of a Global Engagement strategy.
- Negotiate the Strategic Mandate Agreement 4 (SMA4) with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) as well as anticipatory planning to position McMaster for possible sector wide changes dictated by MCU.

Andy Knights Summary of Goals
Acting Vice-President (Research)
Andy Knights - Summary of Goals
- Support the development and implementation of the Indigenous Research Strategies by the Indigenous Education Council and MIRI and continue to build strong and mutually respectful relationships with local Indigenous communities.
- Complete the roadmap for the establishment of the physical space and integration of infrastructure for Global Nexus School for Pandemic Prevention and Response.
- Implementation of the Strategic Research Plan, focus research initiatives on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote the positive impact of research undertaken at McMaster at the local, national and international levels.
- Increased research partnerships (and affiliated funding) with local agencies and companies, and not for profits.
- Promotion of the closer collaboration of MIP and McMaster research enterprise through greater McMaster start-up presence at MIP, and a co-ordinated strategy to increase MIP’s reputation and impact.
- Establishment of the McMaster Nuclear Enterprise, and support AVP Nuclear to review potential intellectual property associated with McMaster SMR, with view to seek commercial opportunities.

Paul O’Byrne Summary of Goals
Dean and Vice-President (Health Sciences)
Paul O’Byrne - Summary of Goals
- Support the development of Equity Diversity Inclusion & Indigenous Reconciliation (EDIIR) leads group in the FHS, for members to move forward the goals of inclusive excellence in alignment with Faculty wide strategic priorities as well as individual departmental needs.
- Support the Director of Global Nexus and AVP/CAO, FHS in the development and implementation of the academic and infrastructure components of Global Nexus including a shared building with Engineering.
- Support McMaster’s hosting of the U21 Health Sciences Group Annual Meeting, August 2025.
- Continue the long-term strategy of prudent fiscal management and responsibility while exploring new revenue generation opportunities.
- Support ongoing improvements and efficiencies within FHS Computer Services Unit (CSU), University Technology Services (UTS) and FHS Communications and Digital Engagement portfolios.

Saher Fazilat Summary of Goals
Vice-President (Operations and Finance)
Saher Fazilat - Summary of Goals
- Support the implementation of key projects emerging from the Future Workplace strategies committee, including updated flexible work guidelines, digital learning strategies, development of employee value proposition statements, etc.
- Continue to champion the development of MIP as part of the university’s revenue generation and real estate strategy; lead a sustainable and financially responsible development plan for McMaster Innovation Park.
- Work with Provost on the Strategic Mandate Agreement 4 (SMA4) negotiations.
- Support the acting VP Research and AVP Nuclear in exploring options to support the federal government’s SMR Action Plan.
- Continued prudent financial management of McMaster’s budget and investment portfolio and strive to produce a balanced/surplus budget.
- Support the implementation of the Net-Zero Carbon Strategy, the Energy Management Plan and other sustainability efforts to ensure the campus is meeting the university’s sustainability commitment.

Lili Litwin Summary of Goals
Vice-President (University Advancement)
Lili Litwin - Summary of Goals
- Advance the planning & development of a University-wide fundraising campaign and leverage opportunities to continue to meet and engage donors, locally, regionally, nationally and globally.
- Continue friendraising campaign in preparation for campaign and fundraising including local opportunities and travel to strategic locations.
- Advancement and support of students from equity deserving groups and from specific regions through the development of additional, targeted scholarships, awards, and exchange programs.
- Support the Director of Advancement, Research to raise profile and funds for research areas.
- Advance partnerships in alignment of funding opportunities by engaging and developing collaborations with Indigenous communities.
Expenses Reporting
As part of the University’s commitment to good governance and transparency, summaries of the personal travel and hospitality expenses incurred by the President in undertaking his duties are being made available. The President represents the University at a variety of meetings, conferences and events in order to strengthen and promote relationships within the local community, raise the profile of McMaster with all levels of government and contribute proactively to the debate around the future of higher education. The President also works to maintain a strong connection with McMaster’s alumni community, our external supporters and partners, and foster collaborative relationships with other universities, both within Canada and overseas. Summaries of the personal expenses incurred in undertaking this work will be posted on a quarterly basis. The expenses relate to travel costs and associated meals, accommodation and other expenses organized by trip, together with personal hospitality expenses. The University’s policy on Reimbursements to Individuals for University Business governs the approval and reimbursement process for such expenses.
United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
The United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) is an initiative that aligns institutions of higher education with the United Nations in actively supporting and contributing to the realization of UN goals and mandates including the promotion and protection of human rights, access to education, sustainability and conflict resolution.
McMaster has been a member of UNAI since its formation in 2010, and is part of a diverse network of students, academics, scientists, researchers, think tanks, institutions of higher education, continuing education and educational associations in more than 120 countries around the world.
The UNAI is informed by a commitment to support and advance ten basic principles:
Addressing Poverty
A commitment to addressing issues of poverty through education;
Capacity Building
A commitment to building capacity in higher education systems across the world;
Education for All
A commitment to educational opportunity for all people regardless of gender, race, religion or ethnicity;
Global Citizenship
A commitment to encouraging global citizenship through education;
Access to Higher Education
A commitment to the opportunity for every interested individual to acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for the pursuit of higher education;
Human Rights
A commitment to human rights, among them freedom of inquiry, opinion, and speech;
Intercultural Dialogue
A commitment to promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the “unlearning” of intolerance, through education.
Peace and Conflict Resolution
A commitment to advancing peace and conflict resolution through education;
A commitment to promoting sustainability through education;
United Nations Charter
A commitment to the principles inherent in the United Nations
The members of UNAI believe that every subject and discipline can have an impact on these goals and member institutions commit to recognizing this link and, often without additional effort or expense, undertaking activities that can directly support United Nations mandates and objectives.
“By sharing ideas, across borders and disciplines, we can find solutions to the interconnected problems that cause so much suffering. Climate change is not just an environmental threat; it is closely tied to poverty. Poverty is not just about jobs, it is directly related to food security. Food security has an impact on health. Health affects generations of children. Children hold the key to our future. And education can lead to progress on all these fronts.”
Former UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, at the launch of the United Nations Academic Impact on November 18, 2010
Member institutions are asked to report annually on at least one activity relevant to the goals of UNAI. Recent McMaster reports can be found below.